Our next exciting event was the massive snow storm that hit the Midwest. The kids, of course, thought it was the best thing ever. And, I might not have been quite so upset about it had I not had to drive in it. It was beautiful as it fell but I have never been so thankful for a four-wheel-drive vehicle as I was this past weekend! :)
Also this week, our friends the Reinarts, got a call from Missy's family that her mother had been admitted to the hospital in Green Bay for a pulmonary embolism, a potentially life threatening condition. So, we took in the kids for a couple days hoping to give them the opportunity to be with their family during this time. It sure was a busy place around here!
One of our projects for when the Reinart children were here was to make and decorate cut out cookies. So on Thursday we spent the morning cutting them out and baking them then on Friday before they left with their Grandparents we frosted them. It was a blast and there were sprinkles everywhere! But I think they turned out alright. :)
Yummy!! Have a great week!